Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I am really taking this cookie business seriously. I've been researching techniques, ingredients, and recipes. I'm learning so much and remembering things that I have forgotten.
I put oh, about 50 books on hold at the library who's titles include the word COOKIE! I know that the internet is a fantastic resource for information but as far as I'm concerned, nothing beats picking up a book, holding it in your hands and turning the pages. I love the feel of a book.
I have also been researching blogs - how to make them visually more appealing and I have a project today and that is to learn how to get pictures up and going. I think my camera will be becoming my new best friend. I am a visual person and I learn the best by seeing something done, so I would like to be able to document the cookie making process with pictures.
Also, I decided that I would try to post the weeks worth of recipes/ingredients so that incase any of you would like to follow along, you have the information.
I said yesterday that I would only be using top of the line ingredients - and while I will not budge on certain things, I think I will have to be a little less strict about that. In today's economy I'm sure people aren't willing to run out and buy the $17.00 bottle of vanilla. I'm not willing to do that. No fortunately for me, I have priviledges at our 2 local commissaries. That is an honor I have because my husband serves in our Armed Forces. I can get most everything I want/need there at a very good price. So cost effectively speaking, I will save money by buying the "normal" ingredients for cookies - i.e. eggs (I'm not going organic on the eggs), sugar (I'm still going to be using the super-fine because I get a good price for it), baking soda, baking powder, etc. And our commissaries have "ethnic" sections so I will be able to get dark chocolate from Britain or vanilla from Mexico etc. I will be sure to list the specific type of ingredient I used and the alternative if wanted.
I'll be back later....

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